Friday, March 24, 2017

Boys will be boys.

      Can someone please explain teenagers to me? No, actually please don't. My brain might ironically explode while trying to understand their eccentricities during their brief period of brain shrinkage - which, by the way has been scientifically proven. I could swear that his very smart brain was having a senior moment and I genuinely didn't realize from the get-go which way his brain was going... Although I must admit, instead of succumbing to the stage of shrinkage it seems it was headed to broader horizons. Recently, I had a vaguely familiar conversation with one of my boys that went something like this....

The night before:

"Mom, can I get deodorant? I think I could use some."

Me: "Sure. Tatty can take you to Whole Foods and you can pick something out."
My boys have gotten the third, fourth and fifth degree on using "regular" deodorant and the toxins that go with it. I have offered my homemade deodorant (to teenagers     !) but seriously, what was I even thinking? Don't answer that....

The next morning:
"Mom, can I have deodorant? I want some Ax." (I honestly don't even know if that's how you spell that name brand.)

"There is no way you are putting that poison under your arms."

My son... who was reassuring me mind you...
"I'm not putting it under my arms."

Me - thinking he wants to go after the cool, aka awesomeness smell, but hellooo, you still breath it in people.  !
"No, you can not put it on your clothes either."

My son:
"I'm not putting it on my clothes."

Me - getting a little more amped up and far more suspicious....
"There is no way you are going to use it as an air freshener, you can kill somebody like that!"

My son:
"I'm not using it as an air freshener."

Me - By this time flabbergasted would be putting it mildly...
"You most certainly may NOT use it to light up anything with!"

My son:
"Dang! Ok."

Sigh. At least we have open communication.

- Matana B

                                                                                                                               Photo by Mendel B

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